Here is why I absolutely enjoyed watching BTS’s online concerts

Image by Arifur Rahman Tushar from Pixabay

By: M. Raza Hussain

All Thought, Culture & Travel

IMAGE by Arifur Rahman Tushar from Pixabay

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Music can be universal language with the ability to transcends nation-state borders, race, continents, language barriers, political affiliations, socioeconomic groupings and other man-made divisions. But, only great music can rise above these divisions. Great music by legendary musicians such as BTS.

BTS has shown that their music is one of a kind, original, theirs is a masterpiece that reminds its listeners that we have more in common, that we can be one and that we can enjoy the same thing from anywhere in the world regardless of our background or belonging.

The biggest proof of this is that 50 million people from all around the world watched BTS’s online concerts called ‘Bang Bang Con’. This gigantic and phenomenal number includes people from South Korea to the USA, from the UK to South Africa and from Saudi Arabia to Pakistan.

This is by no means a micky-mouse achievement. It’s an achievement that deserves its own place in the hall of fame, in the record’s book and on the trophy shelf. Just to give a perspective on the giganticness and hugeness of this achievement, many countries around the world don’t even have a population of 50 million people.

In other words, the viewership of BTS’s online concerts was bigger than the population in many countless countries.

Given that the concert commenced on Saturday at 12PM (KST), it was either the middle of the night or earlier morning in large parts of the world including the UK. However, many people – like myself – woke up at 4 o’clock in the morning – and, every moment of it was absolutely worth it. It was a phenomenal moment to see that two million other people at that point were sitting in their own homes far, far away and enjoying the same beautiful music as I was.

Sharing this experience with millions of other people created a sense of community, a sense of belonging. This sense of community is different, this feeling of belonging is different. It makes a person feel part of something bigger, of something phenomenal and something positive.

It’s special because BTS’s online concert reminds us of our humanity. You don’t need to be from a specific background, from a certain place or be able to speak Korean to enjoy their masterpieces – you just need to be human.

Knowing and experiencing that there are other people like yourself who enjoy the same legendary music gives rise to an indescribable feeling. 

Of course, going to their concert is still a dream for tens-of-millions-of-people but Big Hit Entertainment bringing them into millions of homes was a heavenly act.

Based on the success of this phenomenal online concert weekend, it is great that BTS will keep doing amazing staff to entertain their fans at home while the whole world remains subjected to time to lock downs and curfews.

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Muhammed Raza Hussain is an award-winning writer: the Extra-Mile winner of the News Quest Young Reporter Scheme 2014 and the recipient of the ‘Talent for Writing’ certificate by Young Writers. Twitter: @M_RAZA5 | Instagram:  @M.Raza.H_

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